Real Estate Agents:

Grow your brand, prospect for new clients, and market new listings with TaxNetPRO.

Download a list of homeowners in the same neighborhood as your most recent sale.

Use their actual property data in your direct mail marketing to show that you are the agent to trust in their area.

At the office or in the field:
we have you covered.

Use TaxNetPRO’s advanced search criteria and map tools to pull mailing lists for your recently sold properties.

See a FSBO home that you would love to sell? Pull out your phone, open our Who Owns It app, and get the owner’s contact info instantly.


Find out who owns any property with the mobile app powered by TaxNetUSA, available for iOS and Android devices.


The ultimate research and marketing tool. Advanced search fields, interactive GIS maps, and much more with TaxNetPRO.


Advanced property research and marketing tools.

Over 60 advanced search fields and world class GIS mapping tools are at your disposal. Target your direct mail campaigns to only the clients you want.

Find new clients

Search by deed month and over 60 advanced search fields, alongside GIS mapping tools. Create lists of potential clients and reach out.

Download & print

Download your custom data set and import into your office or print design software. Or, print mailing labels directly.

Personalized reports

Print detailed property reports to give to your prospective clients, personalized with your logo and contact information.

See how TaxNetPRO can provide timely and targeted leads

Find homeowners that are likely to be ready to sell, in the areas and with the demographics you wish to serve.

Who Owns It

Instant property information – in the field and at the office.

The Who Owns It mobile app and your TaxNetPRO online account combine to form a powerful research tool and direct marketing engine at your fingertips.

Instant property info

Look up information about any property, while you are at the property. Impress your clients with instant knowledge.

Snap a photo

Use the app to snap some pictures of the property. Print a personalized property report with your logo, contact info, and photos.

FSBO marketing

See a FSBO that you want to sell? Save it to a custom list, and print a beautiful property report and letter to help close the deal.

Let’s talk more about it.

You want to be able to get the information you need – fast, up to date and organized.

Call us for pricing at 817-310-1077, or schedule a demo to see exactly how it can work for you.

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Get notified about product updates and upcoming sales.